This is a very helpful tool; it should have been invented a long time ago.
How many of us have found themselves in an awful situation after realizing that the email that contains the files you need is no longer in our mailbox .
I don't know if this has happened to you, but it has happened to me many times, and in those cases is very difficult to replace the files you need, or you have to work some hours more to create those files again. When those files are simple, there is not such a big problem, but, when you had important information it can be very unpleasant.
In some other cases I've found myself in, is, receiving some information regarding hotel reservations or even flight tickets.
Zmeil can help the user to recover such important files deleted from your mail inbox; it works along with Microsoft Outlook Express, Microsoft Outlook or with generic Mail programs such as Eudora, Thunderbird or Thebat!
It is quite simple, not very sophisticated, and anybody who has little knowledge about email managers can get the job done.
After starting it, automatically searches for mail databases on the hard drive, and all the user has to do is select the database he/she wants to recover the file from, click on a couple of options (email client type, search mode, file format and output) and click a couple of times and the program delivers the messages contained in the database.
It does not work quite well with Microsoft Windows Live! Client, but it can recover the essentials of the emails contained in its databases.
So, if you are an airhead who erases his important emails like me, I think you should have this tool in your computer... just in case